How to Host Your Website on Google Drive for Free

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage service that enables users to store and access files online. The service syncs stored files such as documents, photos videos, Apps and more.

However, in this article, I will show you how to use it as web hosting. I personally have written an article on this project, but in today’s article I’m going to teach you a better option. Before we begin, let’s see the benefits of Google drive. You won’t need any FTP software. You can manage your website files from within the Google Drive. You’ll get 15 gigabytes of storage. You can use your own custom domain name and the best part it’s free. On the negative side, it may be slower than other options, but we will fix this by using a free CND. Also, you cannot used it to store databases.

You can only host static websites if you want to host dynamic websites for free. So should you use Google Drive to host websites. In some cases where high performance is not required. Google Drive can be a handy solution. For example, if you want to showcase your designs to a client, if you want to test a website, practice coding, or host a small project for fun. If you want to host a website on Google Drive, here is how to do it properly. The name of this folder should be the same as your domain name.

Open it and make sure you have a file named index.html. Now go to Google Drive and create a new account. Use this new account to host your websites and don’t use it for anything else. Drop your website folder in your drive. Right click and rename it, type www before the domain name like this (, right click again and select get link here. Change it to anyone with the link. Click here and type in your primary email address.

So later you can conveniently access the files from your primary drive account, open a new tab and go to drive. Sign in with the new Google account you just created by clicking allow, it will let you access this service with your new Google Drive.

This is the reason we created a fresh new account. Copy your website Url link and open it in your browser. Your website should be online now. Let’s add your own domain name. Go to the registrar where you bought your domain. In my case, mine is namecheap, on the DNS settings. Remove the current name. Servers. Add a new CMD record. On the host field type www and on the value, field paste the website URL you copied previously. Remove the HTTPS prefix and remove everything. After drrv. Tw. Set the TTL to 30 minutes and save changes. Now add another record. Select URL. Redirect on the host field type at and in the value field type HTTP followed by your own domain name. Just like this.

Now save changes. Open a new tab and type your domain name. Your website should be online congratulations. You hosted your website on Google Drive for free. If your website is not yet visible. Don’t worry. Just wait an hour and check again. Sometimes the DNS takes up to 48 hours to complete. If you have any questions, leave a comment down below. In the next article I will show you how to improve your website speed in security for free. If you enjoy this article, follow me on all social media platfoms for more tips and always remember to work. Smart, not hard.


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